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All band students attending our spring tour will need to read several informational handouts provided at the tour meetings in hard copy, as well as below in digital form. Failure to submit the necessary documents will make a student ineligible to attend the spring band tour.

Itinerary and Package Costs

     We are excited to release what we are calling our "Official Draft" itinerary for our February 2020 tour to New Orleans.  We are calling it an "official draft" because it includes our intended schedule and tour inclusions and a tentative price for the trip.  Our travel agent, Bob Rogers Travel, has reserved many items on this itinerary but cannot officially book some of these inclusions until we make our first deposit.  Please take some time to review the itinerary and tour inclusions documents listed below - it promises to be a terrific trip!


"Official Draft" Itinerary as of 9/13/2019

"Tentative Tour Cost Proposal" as of 9/13/2019


Depart - Wednesday February 26th, 2020 @ 5:00 p.m.

Return - Monday March 2nd, 2020 @ 8:00 a.m.


     Please note - ETHS Music Tours are typically scheduled on top of Spring Parent Teacher Conferences so as to minimize student absences from school.  This approach allows us to take a four-day/five-night trip with students only missing one "late-start day."  Unfortunately, this means we will not be able to officially connect with you at conferences, so please feel free to reach out to us prior to or after that time to request feedback or guidance on your student's performance in our courses.

Tour Performing Group Rehearsal Schedule

     We will be putting together a "Tour Band" and "Tour Choir" for our trip to New Orleans in order to create authentic performance experiences on our spring tour.  These groups will have public performances as well as private clinics while we are on our trip, so it is important we prepare for these experiences with the same attention we would for our home concert audiences.  Ms. Reed will coordinate the choir schedule as we get closer to January.  The band schedule is indicated below.  When indicated "Period 6", students will rehearse during their normal band periods and eat lunch during their band class and then attend Period 6 for rehearsal.  When indicated "Monday 2:30 - 4:00", students will meet in the band room during an early-release Monday.


Friday January 10th - Tour Band, Period 6 in Auditorium

Friday January 17th - Tour Band, Period 6 in Auditorium

Friday February 7th - Tour Band, Period 6 in Auditorium

Monday February 10th - Tour Band 2:30 - 4:00 in Band Room

Friday February 14th - Tour Band, Period 6 in Auditorium

Monday February 24th - Tour Band 2:30 - 4:00 in Band Room

Wednesday February 26th - Tour Band, Period 6 in Band Room


ETHS Tour Paperwork

     In addition to your registration for the tour through Bob Rogers Travel, we ask that you complete the following forms in order to attend through ETHS.  These forms are due no later than January 30th (we may be required to move up due dates, stay tuned).


Dietary Restrictions Form

Parent/Guardian Field Trip Consent Form

Field Trip Medical Form and Waiver

Student Behavior Guidelines New Orleans 2020

Tour Materials

© 2017 - Matthew P. Bufis, Site Administrator

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