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Wildkit Marching Band

The ETHS Wildkit Marching Band is the Pride of ETHS! Representing the spirit and enthusiasm of our school through music, marching, and cheers, this ensemble plays at all home football games, the fall pep rally, and at competitions and parades in Evanston and beyond.

Rehearsal & Performance Schedule

The Wildkit Marching Band is an extra-curricular performing ensemble that rehearses one day per week from the start of school through the end of October. Our summer rehearsal schedule includes several rehearsals in June in preparation for the Evanston July 4th Parade and a summer Band Camp in early August at Eastern Illinois University. For a complete rehearsal schedule, visit our Band Calendar page or our Marching Band Calendar page for a full listing of Wildkit Marching Band Activities.

Absence Requests

The Marching Band at ETHS is both an academic class (meeting within the school day) and an extra-curricular activity and is therefore considered to be "co-curricular" by ETHS. For academic reasons, an anticipated missed performance or rehearsal must be approved in advance in non-emergency situations. Absences and Tardies can have an impact on your grade and your Honors Credit eligibility.
In addition to the academic reasons for reporting absences in a timely manner, the ETHS Marching Band is a highly athletic and cognitive activity requiring endurance, stamina, and many repetitions to assure consistent reliability and accuracy in performances. Absences and Tardies diminish the time spent learning and practicing with the group and will result in a lower quality result at a personal and group level. In addition to the physical and mental demands of Marching Band, this activity/course has elements of theatre, dance, and music - all of which are highly synchronized and interdependent. Reporting absences in advance allows the group some time to prepare for your absence and setup those around you on the field for success.

Whenever possible, and with advanced notice, our instructional staff can coordinate absences with ETHS coaches and club sponsors using an agreed upon set of "Guidelines For Student Conflicts Between ETHS Activities." If your student is involved in another ETHS activity, please consult our Marching Band Calendar, located at, as well as the activity calendar and alert us of any potential conflicts at the start of the season so that we may coordinate these absence conflicts amicably and well in advance of any challenges they may pose to your fellow band-mates, team-mates, and activity peers.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Let's make it a great season!

Summer Mailer

See below for some important information sent out in our annual Summer Mailer on Friday May 24th, 2024.  All paperwork is to be completed by July 21st - inclusive of payment, medical form (online), online room assignments, field trip consent form (online), and activity code (through HAC).

Marching Band Summer Mailer 2024

June Rehearsal Addendum 2024

Band Camp Room Sign-Up Sheet

RevTrak Fee Payment System  OR  Free/Reduced Payment Form (if registered at ETHS with Free/Reduced Lunch Status)

Marching Band Parent Volunteer Sign-Up

ETHS Activity Code Instructions (Through HAC)

Please Join our Band Parent Facebook Page (Click Me)

Marching Band Calendar

Field Trip Consent Form for Band Camp

Medical Form

Spirit Team Interest Form

Band Camp Chaperone Interest Form

Juneteenth Parade Drumline/Color Guard/Volunteer Sign-Up

If you have not been fit for your uniform, please sign-up for a time on Tuesday June 11th or Wednesday June 12th between 4:30-7:30pm.

Uniform Fitting Sign-Up

© 2017 - Matthew P. Bufis, Site Administrator

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